Reserve Ninja Kids Camp Now...  Call 480-721-2626


Upcoming Camp Dates 2025

Friday, Feb 21st

Spring Break
Monday thru Friday
March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14th

Friday, April 18th

Summer Camp Starts - Thursday, May 22nd

New camp dates are often added.
Ask for the dates you need.
Please double check for any changes.

Prices & Times

8:00am to 3:00 pm
8:00am to 12/1:00 pm, or 11:00am to 3pm
Afternoon Half Day includes lunch


You can't beat us - For Fun, Fitness, and Affordability!

Important Reminder Note

Dear parents and guardians, remember to please keep your children at home if your child has any of the following symptoms: coughing, fever, sore throat, runny nose, or diarrhea.
Please keep your child out of camp until they are better.
Your carefulness and caring is greatly appreciated!

Photo by Bec Parsons/DigitalVision / Getty Images


Does your child need a few extra ninja-like friends to share being a super hero ninja with?  Well, you found the right place!  We have it all!  Lots of fun and run and extensive tuning of gymnastic ninja skills!  From gazillions of crazy fun athletic games, zip lining, rock climbing, sword fighting (the safe kind), ninja rope swinging skills and games, and a terrific close family atmosphere with one on one attention.  The best place for your child to make friends and have fun.  Ages 4-14.  Our campers come back over and over again!

comfortable place to be

A comfortable place for everyone!

Samurai sword fighting camp game

"Bushido!" - Samurai sword fighting game at it's best.


Swinging off Ninja Tower on rope swing - practicing stealth landings across the shark infested waters!
 The Ninja Tower is one of the very favorite of campers with dozens of rope and zip line games.


Reloading for....

...the Firing Squad Game!  Having tons of fun at the same time as actually practicing the real martial arts skill of blocking correctly.


An extra fun day getting to throw ninja stars!

ninja camp fightng skills

Polishing those Ninja Fighting Skills.


FACE OFF:  Camp counselor and seasoned camper challenge! - Is it a draw?


Sword wielding Samurai Action


One of the most demanded activities - games in the dark with disco lights and music!
 Aren't ninjas supposed to be good at doing dodge ball in a disco?


Sometimes we get to visit AZ on the Rocks (restarting at a future date) - Learning skills to be an agile ninja!



We have so many different games that secretly teach valuable defense skills, escape skills, gymnastic skills, and exceed at building confidence, increasing coordination, courage, and cooperation - all in the guise of being just for fun.  Kids love it - and we do to!  Don't worry - they get enough time to rest too :)

Naming just a few of our games - Shipwreck, and Shipwreck Hunger Games, Zombie Island, Survive, Hulk Smash, Escape, War and Pillows, Kamakazi, Sumo, Ninja Wall, Lava Swing, Chicken Run, Sword Cuts, Bang, Mount Everest, Star Wars, Haunted Bridge, Ninja Obstacle Course, Jedi Balls, Firing Squad, Kick the Kangaroo, Bushido, Nerves of Steel, Attack the Fort, Ice Bridge, Capture the Spear, Run, Ninja Stars, Boundaries, Train Wreck, Kidnap, and much more...!

Master Maui Saito

The Great and Beloved mastermind of all the funnest ninja skill games the kids love, and their fearless leader - Master Maui Saito - affectionately called simply "Master Maui!"


Master Maui and our Camp Counselor, Thierry Brotherton, aboard - when she was younger.


Sensei Daron Brotherton - Always the best fun and an exceptionally talented black belt. He sometimes gets the chance to be at the camp, and all the kids love his wonderful loud Australian personality and antics!


It's going to be an absolutely GREAT Camp! It always is - We look forward to seeing you there!

Ninja Kids Camp Waivers...