Yes! It's true! We offer FREE Birthday Parties!
We provide all the awesome fun activities in our wonderful facility!
You provide all the party decorations, food, and favors for the party goers.
It can be any theme you want - Then bring them running!
Party sizes - May be from 6 to 30 party guests.
Full private use of our facility.
All the fun and games with Master Maui!
Party Scheduling is usually on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. You can also schedule a night party where glow in the dark goodies are a favorite.
Party Run Time is usually about 2 to 2 ½ hours.
We supply the facility and all the Fun & Games
you just bring the kids, food, treats, and decorations!
Party themes examples: Super Heroes, Nerf Gun Party, Glow in the Dark parties in the evening, Scooby-Doo, Movie themes - just about anything your child could want. Piñata’s are definitely very popular!
Types of food people have brought: Pizza, veggie trays, snacks, treats, or sandwiches and wraps, sodas, or healthy juices, and of course, cake.
First hour, to 1 hour and 15 minutes we provide fun ninja style games that your child and guests will love. We often start with a favorite: Zip Lining - where kids jump off of our Ninja Tower and zip across the dojo and land onto a crash pad with pillows or balloons.
Next half hour is usually meal or snack break with whatever you have brought.
Then time for singing Happy Birthday and having cake.
If you have a Piñata we will sometimes plan that event after cake time. We have lots of swords (wooden and bamboo) provided to hit your party theme Piñata with.
We end out the party day with more and varied ninja games like swinging from the Ninja Tower over "shark infested waters" practicing stealth landings on cushioned "pirate ships", and sometimes swinging in the dark with disco ball lights and music, and playing with noodle swords - just to name a few.
Most of the time people do not include opening presents, because the kids are having so much fun doing the activities, and would rather be doing those. Present opening limits the time, but with a smaller party it might be possible.
If you have Party favors to hand out at the end of the party - remember to please include our provided FREE GUEST PASS card for each of your birthday party guests so they get to come back for a FREE CLASS!
Remember - you can tell us what special things you would like to incorporate and we are happy to make your child's party wishes come true!
Call Master Maui at 480-721-2626 to reserve your child's special birthday!
Once you schedule your party, you can relax. Invite your family and friends.
Please have all participating party guests fill out our online waiver.
Provide this page link for all guests to sign this waiver:
On the day of your party. We will be open for you to come an hour in advance of your party time to set up and decorate. Our experience has been it usually only takes a half hour. We have a refrigerator, if you need to keep anything cool until the party starts. We also have a freezer, just in case you have ice cream cake. You can bring your favorite party theme plates and decorations.
Your cost is truly FREE. There is no charge for the use of our facility and providing our services. We are glad to give to our students, campers, and community, and introduce new kids to our dojo. If, after watching your child thoroughly enjoy his or her special party... and you would like to contribute to a very good cause - but not required to - we gladly accept donations towards the facility and its equipment used for parties, and our efforts to preserve the Saito Ninjitsu martial art form. See donation information below.
Donations to us in any amount are humbly appreciated - it goes to a great cause.
Not only does it help retain our facilities and equipment to continue providing free birthday parties, we are also in the process of developing a non-profit dedicated to preserving and recording in video and written documentation the lost ancient art of Saito Bloodline Ninjitsu as it was handed down secretly through the family for thousands of years and only publicly taught in the last few years.
We are furthering the cause of Saito Ninjitsu as a way of life that is spiritual, peaceful, ethical, and honorable - giving to the community and building new generations of responsible and heroically predisposed individuals dedicated to serving and saving life in all the ways possible - people, animals, and the environment.
Honor in all that we do. ...Thank you.
- Master Maui Saito
Saito Ninjitsu International - created by Master Maui Saito to oversee the endeavor of preserving on film and written form and making Saito Ninjitsu available around the world.